The bell jingles as the door is tentatively opened. The unkempt mop of a scrawny twenty-something leans in, before the door is fully opened. "Hello?" He steps in all the way, and jumps a little when the door closes behind him. "I heard that you give massages here?"
The receptionist stands up from her comfortable office chair, placing her book down on the counter. "We certainly do!" she says, with enthusiasm, as she walks over to see the new customer. "Hmm... and from the looks of things, you could definitely use one." She walks to the customer's back, and extends her index finger on her right hand, rubbing it gently against the area between his shoulders. "Just like I suspected! Your shoulders are all knotted." Jennifer walks back around to his front, this time extending her whole hand. "I'm Jennifer. And you are..?"
The young man flinches away from her touch, and blushes when he realizes what he did. "I- I'm David." He looks down at the floor, as if ashamed. "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous. I've never done a massage before." He finally looks up at the outstretched hand, and realizes that he has left it unshaken for an uncomfortable amount of time. He takes it gently, as if it were going to bite him, and shakes it limply, but with growing confidence.
"Well, there's a first time for everything." She nods toward a full-size massage table in the center of the room, easily big enough to hold someone several times David's size. "I can start you right away, if you'd like."
"Wow, that's quite... big?" He wanders over to the table, then turns around to face his host. "So, do I need to, take off my shirt, or something?" He grabs the hem of his shirt and flips it over his head without waiting for an answer.
"You'll need to take off everything. Your body is so stressed right now that I'll have to go over the whole thing."
David emits a sound relatively close to a squeak. "I have to be NAKED?" He looks away, blushing even harder than before. "I'm sorry, that's just... Give me a second." He closes his eyes, and breathes deeply a couple of times. He opens them again and looks at Jennifer. "Could you... look away? I know it is dumb, but it would make it easier for me."
"Of course." She turns away, and heads to the door to lock it so that no one can intrude.
David slips off his shoes and socks, and pauses while he builds up the courage for the next step. He slowly slips off his jeans and underwear, and places them in a pile in the corner. He awkwardly clambers on to the table, and once he feels his shame is sufficiently hidden, lets Jennifer know. "OK, you can look now."
Jennifer walks back over to the table. "I'd like to start on your backside, since you're so knotted up back there. Could you roll over onto your stomach for me?" She goes off to a large shelf in the corner and starts picking up small glass bottles. Just moving them lets out small whiffs of various floral fragrances, which David would no doubt be able to smell.
David smirks. "Flowers, huh? I can see why Susan gave you a recommendation." He rolls over onto his stomach. "This isn't gonna be too girly, is it?" The lack of quivers indicates that his confidence is returning.
"Oh, no. I use these for all of my customers. The scent is purely to cover up the... slightly unpleasant odors some of the herbs used in the oils give off. Rest assured, you won't notice them." She opens one of the jars, and wets her fingers, letting out a scent that smells strangely like a meadow. Placing both hands on his shoulders, Jennifer starts to knead away at the muscles, using her fingers to put very slight amounts of pressure on them and helping them to work their way back into a more relaxed state. The oil seems to penetrate right into David's skin, no doubt giving him a warm, tingling sensation in his upper back. Smiling, Jennifer presses just a little harder, and this time, David's body starts to change, his shoulders pushing inward by a fraction of an inch. Jennifer pours a little more oil on his back, and keeps going, pressing each shoulder in by about an inch and a half. David's shoulder-hip ratio now looks much closer to that of a female rather than a male... but still wider than most girls his age would have.
David coos lightly. "That's... that's excellent." He leans into her fingers, unintentionally helping the change along. "I really like the tingling. What do you use that causes that?"
"It's mostly the ground leaves of ambrosia vulgaris. You'd think that would be from somewhere exotic, but it's actually from Virginia." She rubs her thumbs in large circles around the flesh of his shoulders now, which starts to turn thicker and darker - not in the sense of looking like someone of African descent, but in the sense of being pitch black, black as midnight, a color no human could ever possibly have. After a few moments of this, all of the flesh on David's shoulders and upper back has changed into a thick and tough (yet surprisingly soft and sensual) mixture between horsehide and the flesh of a human female. Thick, shaggy gray fur grows from it, dappled around the shoulders with dots of white.
David laughs gently. "That's whale vomit, right? I think I heard that somewhere. Isn't it like thousands of dollars an ounce?" He tenses up suddenly, and turns his head to face Jennifer. "This isn't going to be thousands of dollars is it? I, uh, I'm only a college student..."
Jennifer smiles in reassurance. "Don't worry about that." She gestures with her head, indicating that David should look away. "This isn't going to work if you don't relax."
David looks away again, and the tension ebbs away from his shoulders. He starts to get into the repetitive motion of Jennifer's hands. "Is there some kind of sand or something mixed in with the oil? I really like the texture of that."
"Actually, it's a plant from the Chicoteague area, but it's definitely quite expensive to obtain." She runs her fingers up and down David's back, spreading the soft horseflesh down from his shoulders toward his butt. His whole back is now covered in horsehair... minus his butt.
"Never heard of Chicoteague before. South America?" He idly reaches up to scratch at his new fur...
"It's in Virginia. It's an island, lots of pretty scenery and such." She catches his hand before he can scratch. "You don't want to do that yet. If this stuff gets on your hands, it can sting. It's meant for larger muscle groups only."
Once again, David turns to face Jennifer. He gives her an awkward smile, by way of apology. "I'm sorry, I'm still new at this." He looks away again, briefly lost in the mesmerizing hands. "I know you said you need to do my whole body, but I could come back for the upper back alone. Your hands are... amazing."
"Oh, you can always come back. In fact, I encourage that you get it done at least once a month." Jennifer moves her hands down to his butt now, wetting them again with the oil and splashing a good amount on his backside as well. She rubs and kneads with one hand on each cheek, and starts seeing the results a few seconds later. David's butt is growing, the flat male cheeks starting to push out and become soft and rounded. He might notice the extra weight on his backside that was growing with each motion of Jennifer's skilled fingers. Although his hips still weren't girly, from behind, it would become increasingly harder to see David as a male at all. She makes the cheeks bigger and bigger, until they're practically big enough to belong on a porn star, bouncing a little as David breathes in and out. He certainly wouldn't be wanting for a seat cushion anytime soon. Like the rest of his back, David's new rear takes on the dark appearance of horsehide and sprouts fur, with some more white dappling occurring on the right cheek.
David somehow manages a full body flush. He emits several low whimpering noises as she presses her hands into his(?) ample behind. "That's, uh, I was not expecting that." He moans a little. "I feel like you are tenderizing me for a rump roast or something."
"Oh, it's nothing like that." She presses her fingers gently into an area just above his rear, kneading at the tailbone. Slowly but surely, the tailbone extends, growing out long and thin, almost whip-like. Without any fur on it, it could almost be mistaken for a mouse's tail... but then the fur sprouts, long and silky and white, so long that if David were to stand up right now, it would reach down below his knees. Rubbing the base of it gently to get it to lift, she rubs two fingers against an area underneath his rear hole, which slowly softens and parts, two plump lips growing from it and a slit forming down the middle. At Jennifer's touch, a new female sex forms on David's body, too large to be purely human, but not big enough to be that of a horse. A large, prominent clitoris forms at the bottom of the new snatch, which starts to darken to match the color of David's skin underneath his... no, her fur. She rubs it a little bit, sending shivers of pleasure up his spine.
David clenches his teeth. "That was AMA-zing!" he almost shouts, but hushes himself at the last moment. "I... I had no idea. Are all massages like this? It's practically like..." He blushes again, head under the table, but doesn't finish his sentence. A mixture of shame about what he was about to say and the pleasures induced by Jennifer's magic hands keeps him quiet.
"Like an orgasm?" She tries to finish his sentence. "In a way, it is." Satisfied at his backside, she nods in approval. "Alright, David. It's time to flip over onto your back. Try not to rub too hard against the table."
Only David's deep relaxation is keeping him from panting at Jennifer's ministrations. He starts to roll over, then pauses for a second, half-turned. "Can I, uh, have a towel? For... you know... This is awkward... but... in my defense, you are quite good with your hands..."
Jennifer takes a towel off a rack on the wall, and hands it to him. David attempts to hide his erection under the towel, but draping is not sufficient. He gives up and places it, as a lump, on top, hoping it will at least disguise his arousal. He lays back and stares at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact so he won't have to acknowledge this bodily function.
She wets her hands once more, and starts on his chest, kneading at the pectoral muscles. Rather than simply un-knot, they give way, the flesh softening and beginning to bulge out. Bigger and bigger they get, bouncing up and down with his breathing, the nipples nearly doubling in size and turning a light shade of brown. Just like the rest of his body, the flesh shifts and fur grows, covering everything but the nipples. Jennifer was a terrible judge of cup size, but one thing was for certain - David now possessed a pair of breasts just under the size of his head - big enough that they'd be quite fun to play with, but small enough to not hamper movement.
After she has finished kneading his pecs, he attempts to look up, only to be held down by his (her?) new breasts' weight. "That feels awesome. Is it some kind of massage stone or something? Water balloon? I had no idea massages involved so many props."
"Yes... water balloons.." she says, wondering how he hasn't noticed yet. She runs her hands down his stomach, tightening everything up and giving it a much more feminine appearance. She leaves behind just a hint of abs, inherited from the horse side, and then starts working on his hips. With one hand on each hip, she tugs gently, letting the hips expand larger and larger, erasing any trace of the male that David once was. Soon, David has hips that on a human would be considered "child-bearing", but which would be perfectly normal for a young adult mare.
"God, you are amazing!" David cries, not noticing the slightly higher pitch to her voice. Her eyes are closed in ecstasy, as she subconsciously grinds against the table. She presses against her tail, and idly flicks it out of the way. 'Towel must have fallen' David thinks, but (s)he is too enthralled with the massage to think deeper on it.
Jennifer kneads his thighs now, plumping them up and covering them with thick horsehair, dappled along the sides. David looks extremely feminine now... and only has a bit more to go, her thighs touching where they didn't before. Calves thicken and ankles lengthen, the toenails turning black and hard and spreading along her shrinking feet. Satisfied, Jennifer asks her the question that will determine her fate. "Are you a stallion? Or are you.. more of a mare?"
"What... what kind of question is that?" David breaks out of his blissful reverie and looks up, for the first time realizing the fullness of his situation. He looks at the breasts on his chest, his covering of horsehair, his new hooves...
"What, what did you do!" He looks furiously at Jennifer. "What did you do to me?" His breasts swing wildly as he sits up, and he lets out another moan. He looks to the side, weakly. "How do you make it feel so good?"
"I made you into... well, something a bit more fun. You looked so... bored when you walked in here. What I'm trying to say is you can either keep your cock, or you can go fully female. The choice is yours."
David reaches up, and rubs one of his new breasts, relishing in the feeling of his new, wide nipple. "I don't... I don't want you to stop. I was just a little scared is all. I wasn't expecting this." He kneads it, clearly lost in the sensation. "I, I have always thought of myself as a guy, so I don't want to lose my... penis, but this-" he looks down at his breast, then stares Jennifer straight in the eye "would I have to give this up? I don't think I want to do that." He looks away, ashamed once again.
"You don't have to. In fact, you're already a girl where it counts, so let me just... enhance that cock of yours a little." She pours some oil on David's ball sack and starts gently tugging at some of the skin, coaxing it upward into a new shape. The new skin thickens and darkens, forming a white-furred sheath that quickly envelops David's cock, attaching firmly to her belly. The sheath is so large that Jennifer can actually fit her arm in there... and it becomes quickly obvious why, as she teases the horse-herm's cock. The sheath starts to look more and more full as David's cock expands into a massive, throbbing horse member, easily as wide as Jennifer's arm. The skin turns black, mottled with pink, as the cock pokes right out of the sheath and upward toward David's firm, full breasts. Inch by inch, the cock grows until it finds home just between her breasts, the now-flat head of the cock so close that David could lick it.
"Is, is that mine?" David whispers, somehow disbelieving despite all she has seen. She tries to lean forward, but her human face is still several inches too short to reach. "God, it is beautiful. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen." She leans back again, and grabbing her new breasts, starts crushing them against the shaft of horse meat.
With gentle, circular motions, David rubs her breasts along the shaft, before pulling them down and repeating the process. Her face is flushed. Suddenly, she realizes she isn't alone. "Oh God, I am so sorry. It's just... I feel so amazing, this is overwhelming."
"It sure is. You'll need a bit to get used to all these new assets of yours..." She reaches up now and works on David's arms, not doing much to them apart from spreading fur. Finally, it's time for his face... which she rubs gently, pushing the human face out into a full-fledged mare muzzle, the teeth inside flattening and shifting to a form suitable for a vegetarian. Her fingers help to shrink David's human ears down to nothing, and simultaneously grow two large, furry horse ears from the top of her head. A few flicks of her fingers against his hair turn it into a mane suitable for a herm horse. "There. We're all done. Stand up and look at yourself in the mirror
David slides off the table, landing on her hooves for the first time. She tries to take her first step and fumbles, nearly falling before being caught by Jennifer.
Jennifer helps the new horse-herm stand. "Hooves are never easy the first time, but you'll get used to them. And hey, you'll never need to spend money on shoes!"
David laughs, a deep, feminine chuckle resounding from her expanded lungs. "Which way to the mirror?" She looks shocked at how much her voice has changed. Fuller, deeper, yet unmistakably female.
Jennifer helps her over to the wall behind the table, where a full-length mirror awaits.
David examines herself in the full-length plate of glass. She is much larger than when she entered the shop, standing nearly six food four. Most of this is thanks to her plate-sized hooves and digitigrade stance. Well-toned thighs support a pair of child-bearing hips, in which is nestled a leathery flap of skin. David ignores the horse-sized wand and breasts for a second and focuses in on that. "I'm a girl now?"
"You're... well, both. Girl in the back, where a horse's would be. Boy in the front."
David reaches a thick finger underneath his throbbing shaft and rubs it a little, jumping at the reaction she receives. She pulls up her finger and stares at the juices covering it. "I'm leaking..."
"You're wet. That's normal for a girl... especially when she's just been transformed. The best way to fix it is just to let it out... though I'm going to make a wild guess that you haven't gotten yourself off as a girl before."
David wipes her finger against her fur, and pulls her gaze upwards. She no longer appears ashamed that she is entirely naked and hugely aroused in front of a complete stranger. She runs her fingers up her stomach, relishing in the soft her of her underbelly, before groping her ample breasts once again. She jumps a little when she realizes what Jennifer just said. "As a girl... " She leans back and lets out a barking laugh. "You got that right, lady! I walked in here a loser and now I'm a horse goddess, so no, I don't think I have 'gotten off as a girl' before." The grin turns sheepish. "I, uh..." She looks away again. "I actually..." She closes her eyes and faces Jennifer. "I'm a virgin!". Opening them, he looks into Jennifer's eyes, apparently seeking approval, or at least a lack of condemnation. "I don't really know what to do... down there."
"Well, I'll help walk you through it. First, you're going to want to lie down on your stomach."
David smiles, and flicks an ear towards her by way of thanks. She clops over to the table, and lays down on it again, erection pressed against her stomach and between her breasts. She flicks her tail, getting the long, luxurious fibers out of the way, and looks at Jennifer with complete acceptance. "OK, what do I do?"
"First, reach down there with one hand and start rubbing a little bit. Your clit's on the bottom."
David's right hand snakes down towards her nether regions, rubbing along her curvy hips and wide button. She presses a thickened finger against the leathery slit, and elicits a gasp of surprise. She swirls the finger around a little, exploring the size and depth of the cavity, while her eyes half-close at the sensations she is receiving. Pulling herself into a slightly curved fetal position, she reaches in with her thumb as well, pinching and squeezing the trembling nub.
"That's it... that's a girl. Now, try sliding a finger in and out, see if you can find that nice, sensitive spot inside."
David lets out a low moan as she slides her finger in and out with a steady, rhythmic motion. It is obvious from the trembling that she has found the sweet spot. The frequency increases, and she presses harder, before going in with a second finger. "oh god, oh god"
The sloppy, undisciplined fingering raises David's ecstasy to levels she has never reached before. Juices leak out onto the table, forming a small puddle under the horse-girl's ministrations.
"That's it! You've got it! Keep going!"
Finally her fervor reaches a peak, as she goes in with a third finger. "Oh god, I think I'm cumming!" Her whole body shakes from hoof to muzzle as she basks in her first ever female orgasm. A squirt of liquid forms a wider puddle on the table, proof of her appreciation of Jennifer's work.
"You're definitely cumming, alright. I'm gonna need a mop.."
David lays there, stunned, in the afterglow of her orgasm. "Wow." That simple syllable says so little and yet so much. She rolls over, and sits up, breasts swaying wildly, as her erection comes to rest on her now juice-stained thighs. "How can I ever thank you for this?"
"Oh, you don't need to thank me. Making horsegirls is really its own reward."